Refund Policy
Last Updated on January 1, 2023
Refunds for Digital Courses/Masterclasses/Trainings
We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. We also want you to give your best effort to apply all of the strategies in the courses provided by Justin. 
For all purchases made during a live webinar with Last eCom Co LLC., there is a 3 day No Questions asked refund policy. 
After the 3 days, the following refund policy goes into effect.   
The Company provides a 30-day money-back guarantee for all digital courses/masterclasses/trainings. That money-back guarantee is governed by the following terms.
In order to qualify for a refund you must submit proof that you did the work in the course and it did not work for you. In the event that you decide your purchase was not the right decision, contact our support team at and let us know you’d like a refund within 30 days after the purchase date. 
You must have completed watching the entire course trainings. You must include your coursework with your request for a refund, as outlined below. If you request a refund and do not include your coursework by the end of the Refund Period, you will not be granted a refund.
You must submit ALL of the following items with your request for a refund:
* Requirement 1: Complete and attach screenshots from your e-commerce store before and after enrolling in the course and implementing Justin's strategies. 
* Requirement 2: Complete and attach takeaways from at least three strategies Justin taught in the course. Include what you tried and the ending results. 
* Requirement 3: Complete and attach your metrics before watching the course and after. Metrics can be social media followers, likes, views, and/or email list subscribers, sales etc. 
* Requirement 4: Tell us why this course was not a good fit for you and your business needs. What did you expect that you did not get once inside the program?
Email the above items to 

Refunds for eBooks
We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. We also want you to give your best effort to apply all of the strategies in the courses provided by Justin. The Company provides a 30-day money-back guarantee for all eBooks. That money-back guarantee is governed by the following terms.
You must submit ALL of the following items with your request for a refund:
* Requirement 1: Complete and attach screenshots from your e-commerce store before and after reading the eBook and implementing Justin's strategies. 
* Requirement 2: Complete and attach takeaways from at least three strategies Justin taught in the eBook. Include what you tried and the ending results. 
* Requirement 3: Complete and attach your metrics before reading the eBook and after. Metrics can be social media followers, likes, views, and/or email list subscribers, etc. 
* Requirement 4: Tell us why this eBook was not a good fit for you and your business needs. What did you expect that you did not get once inside the program?
Email the above items to 

Refunds for Mentorship Program 

We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. We also want you to give your best effort to apply all of the strategies in the Mentorship provided by Justin. The Company provides a 30-day money-back guarantee for mentorship programs. That money-back guarantee is governed by the following terms.
You must submit ALL of the following items with your request for a refund:
* Requirement 1: Complete and attach screenshots from your e-commerce store before and after enrolling in the Mentorship and implementing Justin's strategies. 
* Requirement 2: Complete and attach takeaways from at least three strategies that Justin taught LIVE during the Mentorship. Include what you tried and the ending results. 
* Requirement 3: Complete and attach your metrics before and after the program. Metrics can be social media followers, likes, views, and/or email list subscribers, etc. 
* Requirement 4: Tell us why this program was not a good fit for you and your business needs. What did you expect that you did not get once inside the program?
Email the above items to 
We will NOT provide refunds for any request that comes more than 30 days after the purchase date. After the Refund Period, all payments are non-refundable and you are responsible for full payment of the fees for the program regardless of whether you complete the program.
Please note: If you opted for a payment plan and you do not request a refund within the Refund Period, with the required coursework at the time of your refund request, you are required by law to complete the remaining payments of your payment plan.

Upon determining that you are entitled to a refund pursuant to this policy, the Company will promptly issue an instruction to its payment processor to issue the refund. The Company does not control its payment processor and will not be able to expedite any refunds.
If you receive a refund of any purchase through this money-back guarantee, that shall immediately terminate any and all licenses granted you to use the material provided to you under this Agreement and the Company’s Terms of Use. 
You shall immediately cease using the material and shall destroy all copies of the information provided to you, including without limitation: video recordings, audio recordings, forms, template documents, slide shows, membership areas, social media groups limited to paying members, and other resources.

All refunds are discretionary as determined by The Last eCom Co LLC To further clarify, we will not provide refunds for requests made after the Refund Period and all payments must be made on a timely basis. If payments are not made on time, you agree to pay interest on all past-due sums at a rate of 1.5% per month or the highest rate allowed by law, whichever is greater.
In all other cases, because of the extensive time, effort, preparation and care that goes into creating and providing the Program, the Company has a no refund policy. Unless otherwise provided by law, you acknowledge that we do not offer refunds for any portion of your payment for any of our Program and no refunds will be provided to you. By using and/or purchasing our Program, you understand and agree that, except for the limited refund policy described above, all sales are final and no refunds will be provided.
Since we have a clear and explicit Refund Policy in these TOS that you have agreed to prior to completing the purchase of the Program, we do not tolerate or accept any type of chargeback threat or actual chargeback from your credit card company or payment processor. If a chargeback is placed on a purchase or we receive a chargeback threat during or after your purchase, we reserve the right to report the incident to all three credit reporting agencies or to any other entity for inclusion in any chargeback database or for listing as a delinquent account, which could have a negative impact on your credit report score. The information reported will include your name, email address, order date, order amount, and billing address. Chargeback abusers wishing to be removed from the database shall make the payment for the amount of the chargeback.
Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine how to discipline a participant who violates these Terms. Therefore, if a participant disagrees with how the Company disciplines another member and requests a refund, the Company will deny such request.
Furthermore, if a participant violates these Terms, the Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to offer the participant another opportunity to abide by these Terms. If a participant disagrees with the Company offering another participant a second opportunity to follow these terms, no grounds for a participant to receive a refund would be created, and any request for a refund on this basis shall be denied.
If, in the Company’s sole right and discretion, you persist with behaviors or actions that violate these Terms, the Company may terminate your access and participation in the Program without notice and without refund.
If you have any questions or problems, please let us know by contacting our client support team directly. The client support desk can be contacted via email at:

Copyright 2023- The Last ECom Co, LLC.- All Rights Reserved